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Apple bookmark icons (Not to be confused for Favicons, which are displayed in a browser tab and/or address bar) are image files that display with iOS bookmarks. Windows 8 introduced something similar for their own Start Screen. Both are simply meta tags that you add directly to a website’s header code.
These are assorted advertisement banners used on Twitter, as well as Instagram, to promote my Twitch TV channel and fashion blog posts.
ASTRO Gaming Speaker Tags are removable, magnetic plates used to decorate the company’s A30, A38 and A40 series of headsets. In addition to selling pre-made tags (Some made in collaboration with prominent artists), the company offers fully custom-made tags for those who want something a bit more personal.
Twitter headers provide another means of personalization besides the account profile image. Displaying written information on top of imagery (Especially photographs) does take a bit of effort and practice, but it’s important to learn how to do so for branding purposes.